
2023年8月5日—TransferDataUsingAirDrop·1.BringyouriPhonesclosetoeachother.·2.ConnecttoaWi-FinetworkandturnONBluetoothonbothiPhones.,2023年9月18日—EverythingaboutiOSisdesignedtobeeasy.Thatincludesswitchingtoit.Withjustafewsteps,youcanmigrateyourcontent ...,,2022年11月16日—UseQuickStarttotransferdatatoanewiPhoneoriPad·MakesurethatyourcurrentdeviceisconnectedtoWi-FiandBluetoothison.,Afterenteringy...

How to Transfer Data from iPhone to iPhone (Easy Methods)

2023年8月5日 — Transfer Data Using AirDrop · 1. Bring your iPhones close to each other. · 2. Connect to a Wi-Fi network and turn ON Bluetooth on both iPhones.

Move to iOS

2023年9月18日 — Everything about iOS is designed to be easy. That includes switching to it. With just a few steps, you can migrate your content ...

Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad

2022年11月16日 — Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad · Make sure that your current device is connected to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is on.

3 ways to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone

After entering your Apple ID and passcode, select “Transfer From iPhone” and wait for the transfer to complete. At this point, you can also choose to transfer ...

How to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone

2023年4月12日 — 1. First, go to Settings and tap General. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Transfer or Reset iPhone.

How to Switch iPhones Without Losing a Thing

Everything you need to know to successfully transfer your contacts, music, photos, and apps from one iOS device to another.